When the Great Judge, Supreme and Just

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1841

Hymn 100
1. When the great Judge, supreme and just,
Shall once inquire for blood,
The humble souls, that mourn in dust,
Shall find a faithful God.

2. Thy thunder shall affright the proud,
And put their hearts to pain,
Make them confess that thou art God.
And they but feeble men.

3. Though saints to sore distress are brought,
And wait, and long complain:
Their cries shall never be forgot,
Nor shall their hopes be vain.

4. Rise, great Redeemer, from thy seat,
To judge and save the poor;
Let nations tremble at thy feet,
And men prevail no more.