To Thee, O God

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Sheet Music

Tune from Relief Society Song Book, 1919, no. 3



Lyrics from Relief Society Song Book, 1919, no. 3

1. To Thee, O God, we do approach
With gratitude and praise,
To know Thy Character is such
As 'twas in former days!
That Thou hast made us in Thy form,
Tho' now we fallen be;
Yet still in fashion, though a worm,
We'll rise to life with Thee.

2. Thou dwellest in the purest light,
Where truth and glory shine;
The brightest of perfected pow'r
And majesty are Thine.
But man, alas! how prone to sin,
How subject to disease!
Deformed and fallen, touched by death,
He bends to ev'ry breeze.

3. Yet thanks be to Thy holy name
For truth restored to earth,
That man, tho' lost, can now regain
A pure, celestial birth;
And be restored to Thy bright form
Thro' constancy and love,
To see Thy face and live with Thee
On earth and heav'n above.

4. What honor, glory and renown
Await the pure in heart,
When they, transformed to be like Thee,
Shall all Thy light impart,
And have eternal lives to give,
Kingdoms and worlds to sway,
And neither pain nor sorrow feel
Throughout eternal day.