Praise the Lord, Who Reigns Above

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, 1840

Hymn 73
7 6 7 6 7 8 7 6
1. Praise the Lord, who reigns above,
And keeps his courts below;
Praise the holy God of love,
And all his greatness show.
Praise him for his noble deeds,
O praise him for his matchless power;
Him, from whom all good proceeds,
Let heaven and earth adore.

2. Publish, spread to all around,
The great Immanuel's name;
Him the Gospel trumpet's sound
Shall Lord of Hosts proclaim.
Heavenly love the song inspires,
Jehovah Jesus will we sing;
Strike the cymbals, sweep the lyres,
The sweetest music bring.

3. Him in whom we live and move
Let all creation praise:
Him whom saints adore and love
We sing in grateful lays.
Yes! he did our souls redeem;
For ever he his name adored!
Over all he rules supreme;
Let all things praise the Lord.