Never Does Truth More Shine

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, 1840

Hymn 155
6 6 6 6 8 8
1. Never does truth more shine,
With beams of heavenly light,
Than when the Scriptures join
To prove it plain and right;
Than when each text doth each explain,
And all unite to speak the same.

2. Thus Peter, who obeyed
What Jesus said, was wise,
And preached as he led,
Repent and be baptised.
Thus Philip did to th' eunuch say,
If you believe in Christ, you may.

3. Paul preached the word of grace;
Whole households did believe,
And were baptised to Christ,
Whose gospel they received.
Thus Christians were, of ancient date,
As sacred hist'ry doth relate.

4. We see 'tis no new thing
To teach, and then baptise;
So Christians first began
Christ's ordinance to prize:
This makes us cheerfully obey,
And go as they have led the way.