Mark Hamilton Dewey

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Mark was the one with the original idea for HymnWiki—he proposed it to the More Good Foundation, and they set up the site, making him the second administrator (second to the one who set it up).


  • b. 1980

Testimony of the Gospel and Jesus Christ

List of Works

Hymn Lyrics

Hymn Arrangements

  • Be Thou My Vision (needs revision)
    • PDF
    • MIDI (Piano)
    • MIDI (Choir)
    • LilyPond
    • Arrangement Copyright: Public Domain: All portions that were not already public domain were released to the public domain by the arranger on 27 July 2007. He already had released the parts and the versification (except for a few changes in the third verse, which he released to the public domain in 2007) to the public domain in 2006.
  • SSAATTBB arrangement of What Wondrous Love Is This (based on Connie Dover's)—using the tune Wondrous Love
    • PDF
    • MIDI
    • LilyPond
    • License: This work is based (albeit somewhat loosely) on Connie Dover's rendition of Wondrous Love. It should be fine to use this for personal, non-commercial use. Permission was granted for the contributer to post it here. For any other uses (except for the things mentioned in the sub-bullet to this), please first obtain permission from Connie Dover. Mark Hamilton Dewey wrote the parts and adapted the lyrics from several versions (including Connie Dover's); he also wrote the third verse (though it is meant to be a re-write of a popular public domain verse). Verses 1, 5, 6 and 8 are based on Connie Dover's arrangement of those lyrics. Also, the note durations of the melody are based upon Connie Dover's arrangement (although the durations in her arrangement vary slightly from verse to verse, and this arrangement only uses one of those variations).
      • The lyrics—except for those of verses 1, 5, 6 and 8—may be treated as if they were public domain. The parts written (not including the duration changes made by Connie Dover) may also be treated as if they were public domain.
    • Contributer: Veramet 21:56, 1 December 2007 (MST)
    • Notes: This is in the key of A Mixolydian, and has nine verses (though they are on two different pages, set to the same music)
  • God Be with You Till We Meet Again
    • PDF
    • MIDI
    • LilyPond (for the PDF)
    • LilyPond (for the MIDI)
    • Arrangement Copyright: Public Domain—released to the public domain by the composer on 4 August 2007 (most parts were already released to the public domain earlier in 2007).
  • Repton: SSATBB arrangement of the tune, using the Hymn lyrics of Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (see also The Hour of Peaceful Rest set to this musical arrangement):
    • PDF
    • MIDI (Piano)
    • MIDI (Choral)
    • LilyPond
    • Arrangement Copyright: Released to the public domain by the arranger on 10 May 2007.
  • Awake Ye That Slumber with the tune Charity: SATB arrangement (he wrote the alto and tenor parts and modified a small section of the bass part. The last four verses are omitted (though the source code of the LilyPond file still contains them, commented out.)
    • PDF
    • MIDI
    • LilyPond
      • Note: Parts are still under construction, and so they may change later.

Melodies and Parts

  • The Flower's Nest (composed with LilyPond on a laptop—on Christmas Eve of 2005)
    • This is the first song he wrote with parts, though there are some musical problems that should be fixed, in the parts.
  • An unnamed song (composed with LilyPond on a computer)
    • This is intended to be for a Christmas hymn.

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