In Pleasure Sweet Here We Do Meet
From HymnWiki
- Copyright: Public Domain
Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, 1840
Hymn 153
1. In pleasure sweet here we do meet,
Down by the water side;
And here we stand, by Christ's command,
To wait upon his bride.
2. Here we do bid the world farewell,
To practise his command;
It is the road that leads to God,
The way to Canaan's land.
3. Now we will sing to Christ our King,
Our souls shall give him thanks,
Who came to Jordan unto John,
And went down Jordan's banks.
4. Come, sinners all, obey the call,
"Repent and be baptised;"
Forsake your sins, and follow him,
Till you in glory rise.
5. We've found the road that leads to God,
The way of holiness;
We'll follow him where he has been,
For all his paths are peace.