In Ancient Times a Man of God

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, 1840

Hymn 161
1. In ancient times a man of God
Came preaching in the wilderness;
He did baptise in Jordan's flood,
Requiring fruits of righteousness.

2. Saying, Repent; the time's fulfilled;
The Son of God will soon appear;
Make straight his paths, and do his will,
For, lo! his kingdom now is near.

3. I now baptise with water here,
For the remission of your sins;
But he shall send the Spirit's power
To witness to your souls within.

4. Thus was Messiah's way prepared,
When first he came unto his own;
And by this means, when he appeared,
The ready bride her Saviour owned.

5. E'en so, in this the latter day,
Before he comes on earth to reign,
His servants must prepare his way,
And all his paths make straight again.

6. Come, then, ye wandering sheep who stray,
Arise, return unto your fold;
Come, be baptised without delay,
And thus pursue the paths of old.