Ebenezer (Term)

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Dictionary.com defines an ebenezer as "the stone of help"[1][2][3]. Also see the other definitions, and the history of the term as used in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Hymns That Use This Term


  1. American Psychological Association (APA): ebenezer. (n.d.). Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary. Retrieved August 07, 2007, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ebenezer
  2. Chicago Manual Style (CMS): ebenezer. Dictionary.com. Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ebenezer (accessed: August 07, 2007).
  3. Modern Language Association (MLA): "ebenezer." Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary. 07 Aug. 2007. Dictionary.com.