Behold The Lamb Of God!

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1841

Hymn 166
1. Behold the Lamb of God!
In his divine array,
Go down into the flood,
His Father to obey,
In Jordan's stream to be baptized,
Though by a carnal world despised.

2. Can we pretend to know
More fully God's design?
Can we pretend to show
A conduct more divine?
Can we neglect this ordinance,
Without an insult to our Prince?

3. Jesus, we will obey
Thy practice and command:
Behold us here to day!
We in thy presence stand,
Devoted to thy blessed will,
Ready thy pleasure to fulfill.

4. We sink beneath the wave;
The water we go through;
The emblem of thy grave,
And resurrection too;
We die, are buried, rise again,
In hopes with thee to live and reign.

5. Great Father, cast thine eye,
And drive away our fear;
Our ev'ry want supply;
Give grace to persevere;
And then rejoicing we will go,
To do our Father's will below.