At First, the Babe of Bethlehem

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, 1840

Hymn 189
7 6 7 6
1. At first, the babe of Bethlehem,
Of meek and humble mien;
But next, the Lord from heaven
In glory shall be seen.

2. The first, so meek and lowly,
Upon an ass he rode;
The second, crowned with glory,
Returned to his abode.

3. The first was persecuted,
And into Egypt fled -
A pilgrim and a stranger,
Not where to lay his head.

4. The second, in his temple
Will suddenly appear,
And all his saints come with him,
To reign a thousand years.

5. The first, a man of sorrows,
Rejected by his own;
And Israel left in blindness
To wander forth forlorn.

6. The second brings deliverance -
They crown him as their king -
They own him as their Saviour,
And join, his praise to sing.

7. The first was all compassion,
And healing his employ;
The second, clothed in vengeance,
The wicked shall destroy.

8. The first, he claimed no kingdom,
Of this, wide, wicked world;
The last, all kings shall own him,
Or, from their thrones be hurled.

9. Let Jews and Gentiles mingle,
Messiah - Jesus, own;
His first and second coming
Will show that both are one.