Arise, Ye Saints of Latter Days

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1845

Hymn 98
1. Arise, ye saints of latter days,
And sing the great Redeemer's praise:
With Joyful hearts arise.
Let every voice in accents tower,
Till heavenly blessings on us pour
Down through the parting skies.

2. Hosanna! - let the echo spring,
Triumphant on exulting wing,
Above the powers of hell -
Until with God we do prevail,
And view the kings within the veil,
And in his presence dwell.

3. Hosanna, let the angels say,
Who dwell in realms of endless day,
With Enoch's perfect band:
Amen, amen, let earth resound,
And all the saints, where'er they're found,
Repair to Zion's hill.

4. Go forth, ye hirelings of our God,
Proclaim his gospel far abroad,
In ev'ry foreign clime.
Go, visit lands and isles unknown,
In ev'ry realm, in ev'ry zone,
Till time with you shall end.

5. Then rise and join the hallowed throng,
Who sing the everlasting song,
In an eternal strain,
Of "Holy, holy, King of kings,
Who wast, and art" - while heav'n rings,
And seraphs shout, Amen!