The "Mormon" Boy

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Sheet Music



Lyrics from Deseret Sunday School Songs, 1909 (no. 269)

1. Kind friends, as here I stand to sing,
So very queer [strange] I feel,
That now I've made my bow, I fear
I don't look quite genteel;
But, never mind, for I'm a boy
That's always full of joy—
A rough and ready sort of chap—
An honest "Mormon" boy.

A "Mormon" boy, a "Mormon" boy,
I am a "Mormon" boy;
I might be envied by a king,
For I am a "Mormon" boy.

2. I'm proud to know that I was born
Among these mountains high,
Where I've been taught to love the truth,
And scorn to tell a lie;
Yet I'll confess that I am wild,
And often do annoy,
My dearest friends, but that's a fault
Of many a "Mormon" boy.

3. My father is a "Mormon" true,
And when I am a man,
I want to be like him, and do
Just all the good I can.
My faults I'll try to overcome,
And while I life enjoy,
With pride I'll lift my head, and say,
I am a "Mormon" boy.